We all know we WANT comments and interaction from our viewers/fans on social media, but how exactly to do respond to their comments? What if it’s a NEGATIVE response?
Social media response can be critical and damaging for a business especially when neglected. In light of the Susan G Komen response disaster, there are great lessons to be learned out there —Test your social media response:
#1 – Do you clearly have posted what your policies are and what is acceptable? Does your company have an internal social media policy that details what employees can or cannot comment or state opinion when representing your company? (If you don’t SMG actually WRITES and customizes social media policies, email me at stephanie@socialmindedmediagroup.com for more information).
#2 – TROLL or RAGER Comments – Don’t “feed” them. If the comment is completely off the wall, a rant, ridiculous in nature and irrelevant, disgrard and DELETE.
#3 – UNHAPPY CUSTOMER or ON TOPIC Comments – Difficult to respond to usually because they may hurt your feelings, but you must remove all emotion and respond respectfully and thoughtfully. DO NOT DELETE. This will in light be a positive turn as your credibility will SOAR with the transparency. You will recover.
#4 – Unfortunately, you will take a small plumet. But YOU WILL RECOVER. Learn the lesson from Komen who deleted thousands of comments that were on-topic basically because they “didn’t want to hear it.” You don’t need me to explain to you how this was a sad, PR FAIL.
***Great model provided by Scribd.com (click image to view full site)